How It Works?

Simply download the app

Available in both the App Store and Play Store.

Create an account and top up your credits

Create your account and top up credits in just 3 simple steps.

Start buying

Open the Scan tab and you can buy within a scan away.

Scan QR to purchase

Purchases from vending machines have never been more convenient. If you are a regular at your office building’s vending machine, then chances are you’ve found yourself short a few coins of your favourite canned drink. Now, with Huxter, simply scan the QR code associated with your account to purchase your items of choice from any machine under our network, and no longer worry about where to keep your small notes and coins.

Top-up Wallet Credits

Keep track of your budget by topping up your account in advance. Our integrated payment platform allows you full freedom in choosing how to pay through credit and debit cards, alongside other digital wallets. We keep your payment data completely secure with an interface eligible for SAQ-A PCI compliance validation.

Points System

The accumulated amount after every in APP transaction. No monetary value. Save up your points for our seasonal campaigns or festive promotions to redeem these exclusive items. Redeem items with the points you had earned through the Huxter APP !

Sign Up Gift

The only vending machine APP with customer engagement. Huxter enables our registered users to receive our latest information, promotions and your feedback to our service.

In return, Huxter will reward all first sign up user with WELCOME GIFT from our machines. Get rewarded the more you buy. Redeem your favourite items for free with your rewards points.

Life is better when enjoyed together. Refer your friends via Huxter APP and receive redemption coupons.

*Terms and Conditions Apply

Smart Vending At Your Fingertips !

Download the Huxter App now!